Comments on: What Gavin Newsom Won’t Tell You About EVs National Security, Politics, Tech and More. Wed, 10 May 2023 15:03:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Johnson Wed, 10 May 2023 15:03:46 +0000 EVs are already superior to gas powered cars on a number of levels. They are less polluting, last longer, cheaper to maintain and have better acceleration. They are also getting better and cheaper every year. Ignorant fools like GhostTomahawk are simply afraid of a future that they cannot understand but mark my words…gas powered cars are going the way of the Dodo. There is no escaping that fundamental reality.

By: tokyo12 Wed, 10 May 2023 14:04:06 +0000 This article is such a joke. Norway has managed to raise their rate of Electric vehicle adoption to 80% of new vehicles this year. And by the time electric vehicles become as widespread as they have become in Norway, they will have improved even more. It’s amazing how idiots like this woman believe that a future in which the fact that were in place five years ago will hold true five years from now. Does she not know that there will be an iPhone 15 and 16?

By: David Chang Tue, 09 May 2023 16:17:39 +0000 God bless people in the world.

Galardi says something wrong.

Because of sin, China is not wrong, but people who don’t obey ten commandments is wrong.

The sin of people causes the worship of science, the struggle for power and benefit, and the ruin of environment, so people should not worship science, should not promote socialism and evolution, and should not promote public policies.

Communist Manifesto is the reason of public policy and public theology, but policy is the moral issue and the private issue for every person, so human rights and environment safety are private policy, not public policy. In other words, every person should confess sin and repent to God, so we will live in the peace on Earth.

God bless America.

By: GhostTomahawk Sun, 07 May 2023 16:09:55 +0000 If you want an EV go for it. Don’t tell me it can do what my Dodge Ran can do. It can’t. Don’t tell me the battery is going to last running the AC or heater because it doesn’t.

Ev cars are not the future. They are heavily resource dependent. We need to free up the tech that exists that isn’t dependent upon “fill ups”. It does exist. It’s been out there a long time but there is no money to be made.

By: Lonewolfz28 Sat, 06 May 2023 21:51:34 +0000 What works for one, doesn’t usually work for all. Not everyone can put up solar panels and are willing to risk a lithium fire in their attached garage while they and their family sleep and their EV recharges. That’s if they even have a garage, or even a driveway. I own my own home, but solar panels are a no-go due to the height and proximity of the trees surrounding the house. Should I cut down dozens of 70+ year old trees just to install solar panels and virtual signal like the other sheep? Should I scrap a perfectly good vehicle just to spend way too much for a vehicle that uses questionable materials and gets it’s power to recharge from energy sources that are just as “dirty” or more so than burning gasoline with the exhaust treated via catalytic converter?

By: Whatwereyouthinking Sat, 06 May 2023 21:22:30 +0000 This article is full of half truths and debunked lies. As a former automotive engineer and current oil industry engineer I strongly urge you to “stay in your lane” since you have resorted to Facebook information for your hot take on EVs. Time to unsubscribe from 19fortyfive.

By: Harmen Breedeveld Sat, 06 May 2023 15:50:47 +0000 Dear Ms Galardi,

If you want to make an argument about the human rights and human poverty aspects of electrical cars (cobalt being mined in Congo and refined in China), then you should also have the intellectual rigor to point out the same problem – on a vastly larger scale – with oil. From Saudi Arabia to Russia and from Angola to Chad, oil production is awash in human rights abuses and human poverty issues.

Oil is a globally traded commodity, so it doesn’t matter where one consumes it: each use of oil drives up the price of oil globally and fills the coffers of the Saudi monarchs, African strongmen and Vlad the impaler (Putin).

So that petrol-guzzling car? That too directly helps the dictators and kleptocrats of this world.

By: Christian Bezencon Sat, 06 May 2023 14:25:17 +0000 So you are scared to loose your petrol dollars… I have switched to EV and solar panel 2 years ago and this is the best decision I have made. I am not surprised there so many people scared about this revolution. So much to loose.
