Comments on: North Korea’s New Solid Fuel ICBM: A Game Changer? National Security, Politics, Tech and More. Sun, 07 May 2023 20:34:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bosda The Raccoon Philosopher Sun, 07 May 2023 20:34:12 +0000 Recently, a missile, the Patriot, first developed in the 1980s, stopped the newest Hypersonic missile cold.
That happened.
Russia drags far, far behind our tech.
North Korea drags behind Russia.
Beware a stab in the back from Kim, but don’t sweat the small stuff.

By: Brian Foley Sun, 07 May 2023 15:42:48 +0000 Converting from liquid to solid fuels improves mobility, speed of deployment and safety, so from that standpoint it’s a big step. The question is whether or not North Korea has improved the accuracy.

By: David N. Tate Sun, 07 May 2023 13:19:47 +0000 The United States leads the most powerful political, military, and economic coalition in the Pacific Ocean Area. The United States and her allies in the Western Pacific generate well over $25 Trillion in annual GDP. This allows them to spend well over $900 Billion annually on defense. Conversely, North Korea generates under $50 Billion. This allows North Korea to spend less than $5 Trillion annually on defense. It is clear that the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Australia hold overwhelming economic and military superiority over North Korea. North Korea is among the poorest and least developed nation states on Earth and can never pose a significant or existential threat to the United States or her allies in the Pacific Ocean Area. It just isn’t possible.

By: Rob Calvert Sat, 06 May 2023 13:27:04 +0000 True enough that North Korea required outside assistance to develop and deploy its ballistic missiles. However, the real culprit is China. Russia only allowed its scientists to go work there and get paid by North Korea and allows North Korea to buy certain materials it needs, but it is China that has for decades provided the bulk of key assistance–without which there would be no North Korean missile program. To gain some deeper insight into North Korean technical and industrial capabilities, I would point to the new North Korea jet aircraft and tanks and advanced naval ships. Right, there are none. Zero. North Korea doesn’t even make automobiles, but we are to believe they have the world’s fastest developed and deployed missile force without that force being in the favor of a nearby nation which has a defense treaty with North Korea.

By: 404NotFound Sat, 06 May 2023 02:35:46 +0000 The Hwasong-18 finally is becoming a real knife pointed to Washington’s throat but uncle Sam right now doesn’t have much to worry about.

But further down the road, it is possible the Hwasong could incorporate technical improvements gleaned from Russia’s advanced ICBMs like the SS-29 (RS-24) or the SS-27 that are said to be able to evade US defense systems.

Note that Vladimir Putin at his Moscow army-day event on august 15 2022 said that Russia is willing to share it’s advanced military tech with close allies.

That’s when the US better quickly start banging its balls to sue for peace.

Meanwhile, for now, north Korea has the tsunami drone or Haeil. This weapon should be a cause for some worry to uncle sam’s minions in north-east Asia.

The big thing is this. Is Washington prepared to use it’s minions as sacrificial pigs to score a vital point or two with Pyongyang.
