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The US-South Korea Alliance Is Back

Yoon Seok-Yeol
Yoon Seok-Yeol. Image Credit: ROK Government.

South Korea President Yoon Seok-Yeol visited Washington, DC this week. He received a full state visit, complete with a dinner where he karaoke’ d the audience. The US-South Korea alliance has not had this level of comity at the top in years.

Under former US President Donald Trump and former South Korean President Moon Jae-In, relations hit a serious low. The two loathed each other, and Trump, predictably, made sure to express this publicly. Biden and Yoon conversely seem to genuinely like each other. When Yoon spoke in front of Congress, he received standing ovations.

The summit returned two major alliance shifts – one on South Korea’s growing interest in nuclear weapons; the other on South Korea’s potential involvement in a Taiwan scenario.

South Korea will Not Develop Nuclear Weapons – At Least For Now

The biggest news of the ‘Washington Declaration’ is the derailment of the newly rekindled South Korean interest in nuclear weapons. I have written on this several times here at (hereherehere). The core argument is that North Korea can, since 2017, strike the US with a nuclear weapon. This, in turn, might lead the US to hesitate to fully fight for South Korea.

We see this in Ukraine, where Russian nuclear threats have inhibited NATO assistance to that embattled country. If Russia did not have nuclear weapons, NATO would almost certainly help Ukraine more. It is reasonable to assume that the US might have such hesitations with other allies and partners too.

The US foreign policy community adamantly opposes South Korean nuclearization however. The Biden administration probably made South Korea’s re-commitment to foregoing these weapons a prerequisite for the state visit. South Korea is a signatory of the Nonproliferation Treaty, and Yoon expressly reaffirmed South Korea’s commitment to it in this trip.

In return, South Korea received yet further assurances of America’s security commitment, plus a nuclear consultative committee with the US. It is unclear how much this committee will actually permit South Korea to jointly plan US nuclear policy in East Asia – probably not much though. This has led to complaints, correct in my opinion, that South Korea did not get enough in return for its NPT re-commitment.

South Korea’s Increasingly Public Stance against a Chinese Attack on Taiwan

The other big take-away of the summit is Yoon’s increasingly vocal support for Taiwan. Yoon, like the Japanese this year as well, has signaled to China that a violent, forced unification with Taiwan is unacceptable. South Korea and Japan have traditionally avoided speaking to this topic because both have extensive trading relationships with China. Both are also proximate to China. Any major conflict with China would be more devastating to them than to the far-away US homeland.

The Ukraine War and China’s hawkish turn under current President Xi Jinping seems to have provoked a re-evaluation. Russia has sought to unilaterally alter borders in Europe by force, and China has stood by it, maintaining the Sino-Russian ‘partnership without limits.’

This has fueled understandable concerns that China might see the Ukraine War as a model or template for its own move on Taiwan. The original Russian plan was for a blitzkrieg – a lightning victory over Ukraine akin to its land-grab of Crimea in 2014. This would present the West with a fait accompli – either accept established Russian control or risk a war with Russia. China surely hopes for this in Taiwan.

Instead, the Ukraine War has turned into a major conflict, dividing the region, disrupting economic relationships, and sparking renewed competition between the West and Russia. A Chinese move on Taiwan would likely go the same way. An extended Sino-US conflict in East Asia would be disastrous and place great pressure on Japan and South Korea to support the US side. South Korea and Japan are likely signaling China not to take such a huge risk.

China’s Missed Opportunity

South Korea’s interest in nuclear weapons and increasing alignment with Taiwan are a serious failure of Chinese foreign policy. Japan was always going to line up with the US against China in a conflict. Japan is the second largest economy in the region; Chinese regional hegemony cannot be prevented without its commitment.

But South Korea had more room to move. As a smaller economy, its alignment against China is not as important, and its geographic placement so close to China long meant US officials were wary of pressuring it too much. South Korea’s progressive party is also wary, for historical reasons, of alignment with Japan.

China could have exploited these fissures and pulled South Korea toward it if it had acted as a responsible regional leader. Most obviously, it could have helped blunt the North Korean nuclear and missile program and gained credit for this in the South. China has great leverage in the North. Instead, China bullied South Korea for installing missile defense against those very North Korean rockets and did nothing to push North Korea toward better behavior. The result is that South Koreans now detest China, giving Yoon the political space to more openly align with America against it.

Dr. Robert E. Kelly ( is a professor in the Department of Political Science at Pusan National University and 19FortyFive Contributing Editor.

Written By

Dr. Robert E. Kelly (@Robert_E_Kelly; website) is a professor of international relations in the Department of Political Science at Pusan National University. Dr. Kelly is now a 1945 Contributing Editor as well. 



  1. 404NotFound

    April 28, 2023 at 2:08 pm

    BACK ??? ???

    Back from what. Back from helluva non-stop copulatin’.

    South Korea today is a technology powerhouse coupled with a super duper military.

    Unfortunately, it has pawned body & soul to the big chief of devils.

    Thus, it has signed its own death warrant, though the main blame is the way the chief of devil has so thoroughly grabbed it (south korea) tightly inside its armpit.

    So very tightly, it has no chance to escape or wriggle free. Thus its fate is sealed.

    Surely the south korean leadership is by now fully aware of the existence of haeil. Otherwise not qualified at all to lead.

    Today, the chief of devils on Earth is observed busily planning to do a bill clinton monica’s war in east asia.

    The massive war drills, the increasingly provocative stance, the sending of combat aircraft, ships and subs, the belligerent bellowing, the ugly naked threats uttered hitler-style, and the THAAD sites are a replication of the dogbarking moves smoothly carried out in europe that were effectively directed at moscow.

    Today, they are being boldly duplicated in north-east asia.

    Bring out the haeil, and send the twin devils to heelll !!!

  2. Commentar

    April 28, 2023 at 2:43 pm

    Yoon Seok-yeol meeting up with biden is like mussolini meeting hitler in 1944, where hitler allegedly sensed that his ally was maybe wavering and possibly attempting to seek peace with their common enemy without german permission.

    Thus yoon is today exactly just like mussolini caught between the devil and eternal perdition.

    Both yoon and biden are refusing to acknowledge that asia needs peace as the region is a vibrant one and full of promise.

    In particular, east asia desires peace so that it can prosper without limits. But biden and washington and DoD have other aims and other plans. The chief one being all-out war.

    WW3 is what the global fascists want today. WW3 followed by armageddon.

  3. Joe Comment

    April 28, 2023 at 11:56 pm

    We have two comments above alleging that South Korea has always been “a lackey of the US war-mongers.” Did you read the article at all? Previous South Korean governments weren’t publicly committed on Taiwan and now they have changed that position.

    I’m curious how 404NotFound and Commentar would describe the relationship between Belarus and Russia today. Is it anything other than “a lackey of the Russian war-mongers”? Russia used Belarus territory to launch an actual invasion of Ukraine, an action the likes of which has never occurred in the history of the US-South Korean relationship.

  4. Arash

    April 29, 2023 at 2:33 am

    Sing as many American songs as you want. You will always remain a Beta country and a total dependency on the United States.
    You can have car, electronics or even aviation industry but self-appointed policeman of the world, Uncle Sam, will never allow you to have the only weapon that actually counts, nuclear weapons.

    As such, you will always remain a second class country at best. Such is the fate of all so called American Allies.

  5. Joe Comment

    April 29, 2023 at 11:21 am

    Arash: You think nuclear weapons are all that matters for having freedom of action in world affairs? Suppose a country wants to increase its trade with Indonesia, or form a political and military alliance with Brazil. Which do you think is in a better position to do so, North Korea or South Korea? Please give an honest answer.

  6. Aarsh

    April 29, 2023 at 11:35 pm

    Joe comment:

    Yes I do. For one simple reason. I have heard American officials state numerous times that they won’t allow Iran to have nuclear weapons. I never heard them say that about any other weapons!
    Nothing reveals the importance of nuclear weapons more than this level of American sensitivity over it!
    When your sworn enemies don’t want you to have something so badly, That’s the only reason you need for having it!!

    Regarding trade with Indonesia, no evidence North Korea would want to increase it’s interactions with non communist countries. They have imposed a self isolation on themselves.
    And South Korea can have trade with Indonesia as long as United States permits it. Plain and simple.
    Otherwise US will sanction it or worse stop it through a naval blockade the same way it is attempting to do so with Iran oil sales right now.

    Without nukes, you are simply existing at the pleasure of the self appointed policeman of the world. Period.

  7. Joe Comment

    April 30, 2023 at 9:13 am

    Arash: North Korea wouldn’t want to increase its trade outside its own bloc anyway? Is the reader not reminded of the fable of the fox and the grapes? And you think the United States is controlling South Korea’s foreign trade? Based on what evidence?

    The United States is not the only country who cares about stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. North Korea’s nuclear program has led to numerous UN Security Council resolutions passed with the support even of Russia and China.

    If Iran wants to go down that same path, you can start preparing now all your proud comments on how Iran doesn’t want to increase its interactions outside its bloc because it prefers self-imposed isolation.

  8. Arash

    May 1, 2023 at 1:16 am

    Joe comments:

    North Korea’s isolation is self imposed. Perfect example is using Covid as an excuse to close their border with China!

    Regarding UNSC, who exactly appointed those countries as UNSC?! They are a self-appointed and self-serving group of countries. Of course it is not in their interest for anyone else to get on the nuclear game.

    Overall, You argument (and argument of many fear mongering, nuclear supremacists like you) can be summed up as follows:

    “If you are a country and you arm yourself with powerful weapons, it will be to your detriment!!!
    Because others won’t like you anymore!!!
    Others will like you only if you are weak!!!”

    You are not talking to a child buddy. The world or history doesn’t work that way!

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